Sunday, March 7, 2010

Luxor, Egypt (5 March 2010)

Finally arrived Egypt civilization. The stories you would hear and watch since your childhood. I felt like I was back into my children period walking into these gigantic stones being carved by wisdom and technology that nowadays modern world can't even compare. How cool!!!!


  1. Maulong,
    Keep us posted. It's been 5 months now. Glad to know that you're doing well. :-)

  2. Incredible Photos Mau-lung,

    I didn’t know you were travelling!!! So I imagine you left New York for these 2 months. I will look at the photos now...Good for you!!!

    I am still with no job. Europe is in very bad shape!!!

    I am going to look in Asia for a job in architecture or in a Construction Company,...and wondered if you could gave me names of Companies or contacts in Hong Kong or elsewhere!!!

    Big kiss aPS: Had a "hacker" in my yahoo email some time ago. Hope you didn’t get the email saying I was in Mancehster..etc
    nd hope you are having fun in your trip!!!

    Cristina D'Cotta
