Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Quetta, Pakistan (16 Dec 2009)

This is a Pakistani frontier city to Afghanistan. It was a must to stop over this city before moving forward to the border to Iran. This city is considered to be unstable because of the tribe conflicts but current status is mostly settled. You could see heavily armed army patrolling the city frequently especially during the night. I was advised not to go out of the hotel after dark.
I met some locals who were Pusto (one of tribes living the area) when I was asking for direction for the hotel. Then they showed me around and talked. I learnt lots from them about this city and tribe issues. They are still having arranged marriage. They would get engaged without even taking a glance of what their future husbands or wives look like. They were curtains in the restaurants to separate women and men. Of course they were shocked when I told them I don't have religous. One of them said to me that it's good for my after life if I believe god.

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